Shuttling Between Worlds


An inspiring conversation about resilience, perspective, passion, and creative charge with ace shuttler Ajay Jayaram! Ajay is best known for his win in the Czech International tournament in 2010, followed by successive summits at the Dutch Open in 2015 and 2016 and a career-high world rank of 13 in 2017. What many may not know about Ajay is that he has a fine touch with the brush and has been exploring his creative side off court for several years now! In this interview, he shares how he grappled with injuries, the ups and downs of a career in badminton, and his perspective on resilience. Ajay talks about how he started playing badminton from a young age thanks to his father’s encouragement. He delves deeper into the ups and downs of his professional career and how injuries are one of the biggest challenges that a sportsperson faces. We get a glimpse into his hard work, his setbacks, high points and love for the sport in this delightful interaction. His most important learning from badminton is that everything-the highs, the lows, everything is temporary. 

He also talks about finding joy in the arts and what it offers him in a world otherwise defined by tough standards and competitive outcomes. He compares art to meditation and says that it is a road to mental and emotional recovery.

Take a peek into his journey of discovery through art in this one-to-one with TAQ Co-Founder Dr. Sangeetha Rajan.