TAQ Speaks, Team Performance
The Power of Opening Rituals
As many people return to in-person work in offices, teams grapple with finding a routine, a rhythm to their workday....
Team Performance
Communication patterns in teams: designing for synergy
Outcomes for teams can be significantly improved by designing team communication for synergy. Based on research and our experience, here are some ideas on how to manage this vital process for virtual teams.
Team Performance
The Alchemy of Team Productivity – Managing for performance with dispersed teams
As leaders exercise a lot of creativity to get their teams aligned and effective in a changing world, here is a recap of some first principles of team productivity and ideas on how they may still be useful in the new normal.
Team Performance
Weather the Storm without Mutiny: managing conflict in Crisis
Crises put significant pressure on relationships; and top teams of fast-growing organizations are no exception. Here are some ideas on how to handle the discord based on our work with entrepreneur/founder teams.
Team Performance
What First-Time Leaders Can Learn from the Performing Arts
Stepping into a management role can be overwhelming. With the role transition comes the responsibility of getting your team to perform at their collaborative best! Not sure where to start? Here are some lessons from the creative directors and their performing arts troupes on how leaders can build high-performing teams.
Team Performance
Insights from TAQ’s Research Desk
Use practices from the performing arts to get your team into synergy Watching a ballet troupe perform ensemble on stage...
Team Performance
What Japanese Bunraku Puppeteers Can Teach Us About Excellent Teamwork
More and more, people are finding themselves on teams of people who are in different geographic locations or show cultural...
Team Performance
Rhythm: A Key to Connect
It sounds a little poetic to say so, but rhythm is really everywhere. The flowing river has rhythm; water dripping...